Featured Maker // Lyon & Feather
Natasha Lyons
Lyon & Feather
Tash is the owner of Lyon and Feather, a UK based jewellery business which turns eight this year. Her jewellery is beautiful, timeless and classic. Previously, Tash was a fashion stylist working in the music and TV world but decided it was time to leave the industry but still work in a creative manner. So, she enrolled on a silver smithing course and fell in love with it straight away.
For the first five years Tash worked only with silver and gold, but a few years back she became intrigued with the electroforming world, so again found herself on a course and now electroformed jewellery is the main aspect of her brand. Tash works with copper and silver with electroforming and a huge range of different crystals, which really inspire the different design of each ring as they are all one of a kind.
We caught up with Tash to find out a little more about her creative business, lessons learned and plans for the future.
Can you describe your typical working day?
I get into my studio around 9.30/10, grab a coffee from a local independent coffee house and sit and answer emails and messages which have come through the previous day. Whilst I’ve been doing that, the silver and copper tanks have been warming up so by the time I’ve finished they’ll be ready for me to run. I’ll pop my designs in and let them electroform whilst I get on with making some more pieces. I’m usually listening to one of the many playlists I’ve saved - I can’t work in silence!
A couple days a week I spend most of the day packaging up orders to take to the post office on the following day, and the other days I spend mostly designing. An hour before I plan to leave, I photograph the new pieces I’ve made that day and upload them to either Etsy or my website, and then head home but not before posting on Instagram before I switch off for the evening.
Do you find having a dedicated studio gives you a more focussed approach?
I do - it’s almost like my business brain is switched on and I know I’m there to do work instead of not being able to concentrate because I’m at home and aware I need to put the washing machine on, or push the vacuum around! I find having other creatives around me inspires me when I’m procrastinating or when I need a bit of inspiration.
“I have learnt that it’s ok to ask for help, especially from other jewellers - they’re not going to see you as competition but will want to answer your questions and help if they can ...you feel like you’re part of a very special community. ”
What are the biggest lessons you have learned since running your business?
I have learned that it’s ok to ask for help, especially from other jewellers - they’re not going to see you as competition but will want to answer your questions and help if they can, which is something I try to do now too. I have found so many helpful groups on Facebook for helping you sell online, jewellery making groups and electroforming groups, it really makes you feel like you’re part of a very special community.
Another lesson I’ve learnt is it’s ok to make mistakes. It doesn’t make you any less of a business owner or human - it happens to all of us in every aspect of our lives.
What is the hardest thing about running a business on your own? And what is the best thing?
The hardest thing about running a business alone is having to make all the decisions yourself and being confident that they are the right ones for the business. I’ve learnt to trust my instinct more and so far this has paid off! The best thing about running a business on your own is if you want to take a day off because it’s sunny, you can and don’t have to answer to anybody else!
What plans do you have for the future?
For the future I’m incredibly intrigued by 3D printing and how I might be able to include it in my designs - I’ve found a company who prints using a type of corn starch which is environmentally friendly - a very important factor for me. I’m also looking at creating a higher end range including more diamonds and uniquely cut stones, but I’m still designing that collection.
Follow Lyon & Feather on Instagram: @lyonandfeather
Visit Natasha’s website: www.lyonandfeather.com