Say hello to - Kings Heath Action for Refugees

Action for refugees - Paperdolls blog

We are thrilled to show our support for the brilliant work of Kings Heath Action for Refugees, they will be having a stall at our market raising funds and awareness for their worthy cause.

In times like these its more important than ever to get behind this kind of work. Here's a brief introduction into who they are and what they do...

KH Action for Refugees

Kings Heath Action for Refugees (KHAR) is a not-for-profit charitable organisation working with local individuals, groups and schools to help refugees. We do this by delivering activity, fundraising and promoting awareness, support and solidarity for refugees and asylum seekers living in Birmingham and those seeking safe passage across Europe.

We are delighted to be at the Christmas market this year, raising awareness, signing up volunteers and raising funds from our beautiful tote bags and badges and festive cards designed by students from Queensbridge School.

Kings Heath Action for Refugees - Paperdolls blog
Action for refugees - Paperdolls blog
Carolyn Carter